¹Devenir Investment Advisors, LLC an SEC registered investment advisor chosen by Financial Center First Credit Union to research and select the Financial Center First Credit Union HSA Investment Account mutual fund investment options. Devenir’s investment selection methodology screens the plan’s mutual fund options on a number of criteria, which includes, but is not limited to, total fund performance, category ranking by Morningstar and track record. Devenir periodically reviews and may recommend changes in the group of mutual funds available in the Financial Center First Credit Union HSA Investment Account if a particular fund no longer meets Devenir’s investment selection criteria. You will not be given separate notice of these changes; however changes to the fund line-up will be reflected on the investment website and on the following quarterly worksheet. Devenir is also the HSA plan record keeper providing access to the investment options through the investment portal. Investments are not guaranteed or insured and may lose value, including the loss of principal. Please consult your tax advisor for information about how investments may affect you.
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