Financial Center First Credit Union has been recently awarded with a Diamond Award, recognizing outstanding marketing within the credit union industry. The award was the Credit Union National Association (CUNA) Marketing & Business Development Council, a national network comprised of over 1,300 credit union marketing and business development professionals.
CUNA Councils chooses recipients on the Diamond Award based on “representing the best and the brightest in credit union marketing.” Each credit union has the opportunity to be nominated in 35 different categories.
Financial Center won in the “Digital Advertising” category for the credit union’s use of digital advertising with the Eclipse Certificate Special.
“These credit unions represent the best and brightest in marketing and business development,” said Amber Scott, Chair of the CUNA Marketing & Business Development Council’s Diamond Awards Committee and VP Marketing & Communications at 1st MidAmerica CU. “Their inventive, passionate and exciting initiatives inspire us to take chances, be bold and try new and untested approaches.”
Award winners were recognized at the council’s 25th annual conference held March 11-14 in San Francisco, CA.
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