With a health savings account (HSA), you can set aside pretax income to pay for current or future health care, including deductibles, copayments, and any qualified medical expenses such as dental bills and prescription drugs. Any withdrawals you make from the HSA to cover these costs are tax free. (5 Min Read)
Many people remain in the community where they've been living when they retire, though not necessarily at the same address. Others think of retirement as the time to move to the mountains, the desert, the beach, or anyplace other than where they live now. (4 Min Read)
Start by defining your goals. Consider where you want to live, the features you're looking for, what you can afford, and a realistic date for having the money you'll need. Then apply your knowledge to making this key decision. (5 Min Read)
If you find yourself facing an emergency that you’re financially under-prepared for, the prospect of what to do next may feel overwhelming. Don’t panic. There are things you can do to get through this crisis. (3 Min Read)
When emergencies and unexpected situations strike, it’s important to be prepared and make wise decisions. While tough times can vary, from a sudden job loss to a natural disaster, the steps that you can take to prepare yourself are often the same. (4 Min Read)
Financial decisions can feel complex and hard even under normal circumstances. If the current market volatility has you questioning what are the “right” actions you should take now, you are not alone. Here are five concrete ways for you to jumpstart your financial wellness in the wake of the novel coronavirus.
Treat yourself to a stress-free tax season! Financial Center First Credit Union has teamed with TurboTax to save you up to $15 on TurboTax and a chance to win $25,000.
More than three in four Americans overspend during the holiday season, with the average household adding nearly $1,000 in debt. While it may seem like a fact of life, going into gift-purchase debt is not inevitable. In today’s post, we’ll offer four key tips to stress-free holiday spending, allowing you to devote yourself to some worry-free celebrating.
When it’s time to purchase a home, many people go through extensive mortgage research, which comes with many questions about the mortgage process. After all- it will be the largest and most significant purchase of your life!
Here’s a really scary stat: More than half of Americans (57 percent) have less than $1,000 in their savings accounts. While it’s not easy to save, the stress of not having any money tucked away can be daunting and costly if or when an emergency strikes. Everyone needs a cash cushion to fall back on every once in a while.
Written by: James Davidson, Director of Financial Literacy
Identity theft is more than a small inconvenience, it can be a big mess. Use these tips and safety precautions to keep your information safe to ensure you don’t become a victim of identity theft.
Here’s a really scary stat: More than half of Americans (57 percent) have less than $1,000 in their savings accounts. That’s the findings of the 2017 GOBankingRates survey. Sure, it can seem hard to save, but it’s also hard to live knowing you don’t have much tucked away for emergencies. We can help!
At Financial Center, we’re not focused on counting money—we’re focused on letting people know they can count on us. In our minds, nothing is more valuable than being a valued member of our community. That’s why we are so committed to helping our members understand money so they can make smart financial decisions.
Like it or not, your credit score is a big part of your digital reputation. Plenty of people consider your three-digit score when making decisions that could have a big impact on your life — and not just lenders.
Thinking about your retirement can be exciting, but it can also be scary. What if you don’t have enough to money stashed away to retire the way you want — or when you want?
No one likes to be taken for granted. No one likes to feel subservient to “the big guys.” Especially when it involves money. Your money. You know — the stuff you work really hard for, day in and day out.
Creating a budget can seem like a daunting task…and actually sticking to it can seem even harder!
According to a national survey by the Pew Research Center, approximately 33% of Americans file their own taxes each year. If you’re one of the 33%, you’re in the right spot!
If one of your resolutions is for a better financial future, you’ve come to the right place. It might seem daunting to change your spending and saving habits, but it’s worth it to reach your financial goals. You might even be surprised how easy it is!
If you work for an employer who offers a High-Deductible Health Plan, you could enjoy potential benefits and advantages that just don’t quit. How so? Because you can have a Health Savings Account.
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