Profits made by the Credit Union are returned to the Credit Union members in the form of lower loan rates and better deposit rates. Profits are also returned to the members in the form of lower fees or free services. Since credit unions are owned by their members, they are not obliged to return profits to stockholders.
The Board represents the interests of the membership and Credit Union members are encouraged to voice their concerns regarding Credit Union operations to the Board's Supervisory Committee. Credit Union members also have the right to vote as to who serves on the Board of Directors.
Our credit union is federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration. Deposits are insured up to $250,000. Financial Center has also partnered with Excess Share Insurance to insure your deposits an additional $250,000. This means that your deposits are insured up to $500,000 at Financial Center. Our insurance is equivalent to what banks utilize with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or FDIC.
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