Financial Center First Credit Union President & CEO, J. Kevin Ryan, and Financial Center Board Member, Retired Army Colonel, Russell Dowden, Jr., were honored with the U.S. Army Infantry’s Order of Saint Maurice Award.
The Order of Saint Maurice is given by the Chairman of the National Infantry Association and the Chief of the Infantry, U.S. Army in recognition to individuals who have contributed significantly to the Infantry, in particular demonstrating high standards of integrity and moral character.
Retired Colonel Russell Dowden, Jr. received the Legionnaire level of honor, and J. Kevin Ryan received a Civis level honor for their accomplishment in establishing the Indiana Military Veterans Hall of Fame, a 501©3 that recognizes Hoosier veterans for valor during military service or for significant civic contributions post-military career.
Ryan and Dowden’s citation reads: “Appearing before a most judicious and discriminating committee of tried and proven Army Infantrymen and the Infantry Patriots, be it know that Colonel Russell Dowden and Mr. Kevin Ryan were tested and found worthy of special recognition for outstanding contributions to the community of the Army Infantry and are hereby inducted into the Honorable Order of Saint Maurice.”
The citation was signed by Lieutenant General Retired, Thomas Metz, Chairman of National Infantry Association and Brigadier General David M. Hodne, Chief of the Infantry, Fort Benning, Georgia and was given during the Indiana Military Veteran’s Hall of Fame 2019 Induction ceremony on November 8, 2019 in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Photo Caption: Financial Center First CU President & CEO, J. Kevin Ryan and Financial Center Board Member, Retired Colonel Russell Dowden, Jr. received the Order of Saint Maurice awarded by the Army National Infantry Association for their work establishing the Indiana Military Veterans Hall of Fame.
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